
Python, driving and curry. A little drudgery too

My friend now has a blog on Blogger.

I started out the day with a bit of Python in the form of pygame. I found an excellent introduction to the module via the pygame site. It's a fantastic module.

Next. Driving. Starting at about 3:30, a one hour lesson. We went up Church Street and right towards town. We did some driving around narrow streets. He's a great instructor. I believe it's called Flying Colours Driving something. I can't actually find his card. He teaches Michael Hughes too. That's how Davina found out about him. If it was up to me I wouldn't be driving at all. It all started when my dad got me driving lessons for my birthday. If I leave it after 10 lessons and 6 on the simulator at BSM (which ran on Windows 95 or something laughable like that... idiots) then I'd have wasted a lot of money. May as well get it all over and done with now. I'm thinking of buying a bike when I go to uni. A nice and healthy form of transportation.

Then we went to Fiona's (one of my mum's oldest friends) at about six, after Hannah (one of the kids Davina looks after) went. We had a curry and me and Beth (Fiona's daughter) watched The Simpsons - Too Hot For TV. We went to ASDA for boredom and drugery... and bread. I decided I should sell my Xbox and get a Nintendo DS. And I'll get Pokemon for the DS too. I've always wanted Pokemon... But before that I have to find the Debian packages for DVD-playing. I haven't found them yet, they're probably in non-US/main. But we'll see. And then I came home. I currently have my screen session in an xterm in IceWM. I know, scary. But I needed to post in my blog and whatnot which involve cookies and I decided to stick in X for today (I'd been in X earlier for playing around with pygame and ion3 didn't seem to like it).

And now..? Now I go to bed. I went to bed like an hour or two after Davina last night and I woke her up when I was brushing my teeth. I have nothing to wake up for so I may as well go to bed when she does.

Night night. And of course there'll be more fan service next post ;)


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