
I love the UBU's email system.

From: Matt Anderson

Many thanks,

I later got another email from Matt Anderson from yet another person (who wasn't Matt).

The Web Developers' Toolbar has been updated. Thanks to Neil's sideblog for that one.

I got a nice reply to that Why I'm Right and Will's Not post. From a lecturer, it seems: UniSpeak Lossy.

I was ill yesterday and the day before. I think I decided to sleep from about 6 or 7 last night till 8am this morning (I'm still debating going to Formal Foundations as he's only answering questions about the course). It was great, I was asleep at some point yesterday and we had YAFA. It was so painful being awoken by the bleeding fire alarm then standing outside for ages. I think I'm now well enough to participate in the second SDTD lab test (it's not like it's going to be hard).

Miscrosoft demonstrates the new MSN Search using Firefox (here's the screenshot for those without Javascript). That reminds me of another Firefox bug---it doesn't display Unicode in titles.

While researching for some work, I came across this amazing piece of stupidity:

One of the nice things about PERL is that, because it is a scripting language, people give away source code for their programs.

From http://computer.howstuffworks.com/perl.htm.

For a start, what's with calling Perl `PERL'? It's not an acronym (there are, however, several backronyms). Also, there's lots of Perl that one cannot view the source of and there's lots of other code one can view (i.e. open source code) that isn't Perl. Bloody fools!


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