
Free Gmail Invites for my fans

I got six invites on Gmail last night. I sent one to Erik and that left me with five. Now I don't know what to do with the rest...

Did somebody say `give me an invite'? Well, you asked for it... I shall now hand out two Gmail invites to the first two people to comment on this post (on the condition that I don't know them to already have an account).

Yes, you'll have to give out your email address... on the WWW (gasp). But think of the great rewards awaiting you.
For those technically-inclined individuals, you will need JavaScript and cookies enabled and some of the operations can take quite a bit of bandwidth (beware those connecting on 14.4kbps).
For those lusers out there, you will need a recent version of Mozilla Navigator or Mozilla Firefox with foo and biscuits turned on. No, you can't use Internet Explorer... (shh, nobody tell them that I'm lying).

If I can't find anybody who wants the other three cookies I'll put them up for auction. If nobody replies I'll assume nobody reads my blog and get a sandwich-board reading `FREE GMAIL INVITES'.


Blogger Buncible said...

How about we pretend I don't already have a Gmail account with a poorly thought out address which I created on the spur of the moment without any hesitation to consider how my feelings for a certain someone might change in the next few weeks, hmmmm? I'm sure you'll understand if I keep pestering you enough.

Come on, what does a nice guy like me have to do?

10:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roope's little sister'd like one. So, can you send the invites forward or would you creat the account and then give me the password. Well, like Buncey, I'd like one for myself, too. I olready have one, the posh official one, but I'd like to get another one, too, not so official one. Then I could maybe use that instead of my protectwolves address. Then again it's cool, but I dunno.. At least Saara should get one.

xxx Jen

2:59 pm  

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