
Happy Hacking Keyboard

Here's an interesting article from BME about somebody who got an anti-Bush picture tattooed on the back of her head and got paid a small amount of money for it.

The top 10 `technologists' have been announced... according to some website I've never heard of.

I think I know what piercing I may want next. It's so sexy. But if I got it it may not be too cosy in my mouth at night with a big barbell and my retainers. We'll see. It could also interfere with plans to get a tongue splitting (in the sense that I would lose my big barbell if I got my tongue split).

Ah yes, I should also mention that I've been disappointed with Firefox's `find' feature. It was kind of crappy. Now, in version 1.0PR, they have a slightly Emacs-like search facility. A bar appears at the bottom with your search term and some buttons. Like Emacs, it searches as you type. I'm happy with it. However, a future improvement could add an ability to move the focus to and from chrome in an easier way. At the moment, you'd have to tab through an entire document to get back to the location bar.

I made some friends today. Niall and Will. Well, I met Niall last Tuesday on enrollment day. But I didn't know his name until now. I went into the Biko bar (up until now I thought it was Bilko as in Sgt. Bilko, well whatever). They're on my course, well, Niall is on Multimedia Computing. But we're all A-K in terms of surnames so we'll be sharing labtime in Software Development. Four hours tomorrow. Computer & Architectures & Systems Software for 1 hour (times two) and two hours of Software Development - all lab time. We had an hour lecture today on Formal Foundations, which was on descrete mathematics today.

Will told me about the Happy Hacking Keyboard (Lite 2). It looks like a great keyboard. Only £30ish. Aha! I found a UK reseller of the keyboard. Hoorah! Buy nay, it's £61. So no Happy Hacking keyboard for me.

Oh yeah, there's a new European geek shop now. Nerdorama. It's Slashdotted at the time of writing but I'll check it out ASAP.

So, as I was saying, the Solaris server at the University of Bradford (lithium) is really crappy. It seems to have less than half of the utilities a modern GNU/Linux distro comes with. And tools it has, none of them are GNU tools. So they're all crappy and hard to use. It doesn't have emacs, python.


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