
xmagic strikes again!

I went to Rios last night with Cat, Jenny and Katie (B). It was rather eventful.

First thing I noticed was that I missed Summer the goth and Simon the DJ. The music in the goth room started out shitty and got better as the night went on. And the music in the main room was terrible all night.

I saw something that would have made my Homestar Runner-loving friend Erik jelous - somebody wearing a Strong Bad T-shirt.

Then I met Rick from Owen's party (`scary guy') and another of Owen's friends, Kate. Rick's nice. He gave me Eurasia in his new world order.

In the taxi home Cat told me about Jenny's house and the ornaments (on every surface) and the computers (two of them, very big monitors). She also told me packing takes longer than it may seem, so I may start that today.

Then I came home and went to bed. But before I did, I put the TV on, in case there was anything worth watching on the Learning Zone or Sign Zone. And I noticed that ITV had beach volleyball on at 2:30 am. I laughed. Then I went to bed.

Today I shall... read more of The Naked Sun, start packing... I expect I'll do some kind of programing. There are a few things I want to find out about relating to Programming paradigms on Wikipedia.

... Some time later in the day...
Google advertises: {first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com

So far no packing or reading of The Naked Sun has been done. However I did get a small piece of code to get the content of an XML element working. I also made xmagic.py - just some comments, mostly. But I have the basic shape of the script and I've started at the beginning - parsing the command-line arguments. I intend it to be a very concise piece of code in the end.


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