
Pub, etc

I'm not very happy with BBC News today. I turned on a few minutes ago to see them talking about some project to kill a lot of moths with poisonous gas (under the guise of `research'). And I turned on just now to see the local news (Look Nrth) and there was a shark (not in water) surrounded what I can only assume to be its own blood. How fucking disgusing. I believe strongly-worded emails are in order.

One shall be titled `Regarding the poisoned moths' and t'other shall be `Regarding the dead shark in a pool of blood'.

So I saw some `breaking news' the other day on Channel 4 and BBC something about something in Russia. It looked boring so I turned it off. And today I saw something about the same thing on Newsround. I can't work out what actually happened. I had to go all the way to the 3000th result, which tool me to the day before the thing happened (I think). And all the first few thousand results are either unrelated or talking about the `aftermath' of the thing that happened. So I didn't learn anything useful. All I can gather is that some `terrorists' (that can mean people wearing Nike trainers in Athens these days) killed a lot of children, in a school. And I saw some of the `aftermath' on Newsround today and it looked all blown-up, or just burnt. So I have no idea what happened there. Maybe they blew themselves up. I don't know. News can be pretty useless when you want to find out what happened the other day.
Update: Found out about it now, from THE Wiki - Beslan hostage crisis.

Looks to me like there's an article in the Wikipedia about the `Beslan hostage crisis'. I'll read that when Davina's done on the internet. Wikipedia saves the day again.

So I ordered a dongle the other day (of the USB stick variety rather than the copy-protection variety - see the almighty `Pedia if you're confused) from some seller on Amazon. `New', of course. I'll need it as I probably won't be able to use my phone line the first day or two in the halls. I can go to the library computers and download whatever and take it home, in theory. For example I shall be installing Sarge very soon and I might prefer to download the Debian package of Firefox 0.9 via uni rather than at home. Although, I may not as FF 0.9 is rather unstable (hense it being in `unstable' ;). I'll probably download the package (not Debian) of Mozilla Sunbird, which is an iCal-compatible calendar/organiser based on XUL. I've been using KOrganizer for a while to keep track of everything, it's quite good but I just can't help being on the very bleeding edge of Mozilla software. I also use KSpread for working out if I can afford to have Rice Dream brand rice milk at uni or if I have to have own-brand soya milk. I think I'll try GNUmeric when I upgrade. I can't install it at the moment because of some annoying dependancies. So far the number at the bottom is big and positive, but I'm sure that will change as I add important values like food, toiletries and rent.

Just got back from the pub. Me, Cat, Sammy, Jenny, Katie (Bootie), Laura. And Owen buggered off after five minutes.
We played a lot of pool (especially me, yay - what? nobody else wanted to) and poor Katie got ill and fell asleep on Cat's lap. Aww, she's so sweet sometimes.
Jenny was sober compared to some people... which I was surprised about.

Pfft, we're going to uni to give them money and forms at like 9am tomorrow. Crazy! Mmm, I shall read some more Second Foundation tonight before I go to sleep. Only three chapters left! It's so exciting! But I can't tell you anything. Because it would spoil it for anybody who hasn't read it.

I'm listening to Dido right now. But soon I shall tab over to XMMS and press v and then press Mod1 F4. Then I'll do that to everything else and right-click on the desktop, click `Exit' then tab over to `Shutdown...' on KDM and press Enter twice.

Yeah, I know you didn't want to know all the gory details. But you got them...

Taa taa, y'all!


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