
Hello! I am Hambonetaru-chan!

I was doing the bins today as tuesday is bin night. I found this shiny metal rod in Davina's bin. Aparantly she didn't want this immensely useful metal rod... What a waste! Now I just have to find a use for it...

I have some pretty CSS pages. I made them and then I got bored of them. But they were pretty enough to keep.

Uni shall be fun. I'll have no land-line (it's so expensive!) but I will have a mobile. And I'll have broadband. And if my `dealer' is quick about it I'll have Debian Sarge (Stable) before I go to uni. Speaking of my Linux dealer, Uselinux.co.uk, I just ordered Debian and Tux case badges this morning before I went to bed. I can well reccomend Uselinux. I got Woody (Stable) and Knoppix 3.3 from there a while ago. Good prices, good service and the `NOCHEX' payment thing seems to be secure enough. They take Electron, which is good as although I will have a credit card soon I will use it as little as possible for obvious reasons.

I found a new hobby - reading geeky comics. Here's a strip for all those Mac users out there. It's a nice comic strip, it's set in an RP IRC channel. On the subject of Macs... Here's the brand-new iMac G5. It's not as stylish as some previous models but it sure is compact.

Oh, I read a nice article on BMEZine today, about teeth-whitening called Learning to Smile.


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