
I got a (one-off) job

Some good stories on /. today. But all the links are Slashdotted.
Here are the permalinks the the stories on Slashdot: Lego-based 3D chocolate printer, and Cooking for Engineers - recipies that geeks understand, apparently. There'd better be lots of vegan food on it and they'd better not be using silly measurements like Americans tend to do.

``The makers of TiVo and ReplayTV digital video recorders have agreed to limit how long consumers can keep pay-for-view movies stored on future versions of the VCR-like devices.'' ~ here
I was pondering re-trying my TV card which never worked under Windows and making myself a PVR. But it's probably too much effort to be worth it.

I decided today that Firefox needs an extension to shell out textareas to my favourite editor.
:!ispell %

Hehe, a fantastic experience on BME. By a six year old who went to a tattoo convention with his mum and dad.

Argh, I cought a bit of a music video on some crap on channel 5. Looks like Robbie Williams has a new song. I had it muted, of course... but still. Anyway, he was dressed in a white sailor suit (like a captain sort of style, not gay cabin boy style) and there are these cheerleaders. And all of the cheerleaders have lots of tattoos. So that's good, for a second I thought tattoos may have stopped being `cool' but if they're in a music video they must be `cool'. I, like, totally want a tattoo now.

But seriously, I still haven't thought of anything I'd like irrevocably emblazoned upon my skin. Although, I did see that Debian swirl tattoo the other day... *drools*

Hey, the latest artist to be displaying her work at South Square Gallery has some good pictures, which are now uploaded to her exhibition page. I hope she's not easilly offended - we didn't know what one of her pictures was called so it's called `dunno.jpg' and the alt text is `Dunno'. I think we got some of Mik Artistik's picture names wrong too.

I don't think I mentioned but I'm doing some paid work at the moment. Very good work. Programming - in Python. It's just a simple thing to email somebody the results of a simple form. It's quite a brute-force affair. It's also very stupid and knows very little of the HTML form that POSTs data to it. If you're unfamiliar with Unix programming, those are good points. Those are also neccessities as my employer (the chairperson of South Square Centre - the website I'm doing) wanted to be able to use it for any form.
But anyway, it's a very good job. Not least because I can boast that I got a job programming Python (when just the other day Erik's friends told him that Java's better than Python because you can't get a job with Python - lusers).

My good friend Buncey accepted an offer of my talents towards the Oddworld Encyclopaedia - i.e. desiging and/or implementing a wiki for it. So I'll do some research on wikis (especially ones that don't need extravogant services such as MySQL as some free hosts offer PHP or ASP but none I've seen offer MySQL - in fact a lot of paid hosts I've noticed don't offer MySQL).

I'm watching BBC Proms right now. Or rather, listening to it. That reminds me, I'm seeing Classical Fantasia on Saturday (next). Should be good.


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