
Letters and Firefox

A letter arrived through the post for Mr Malcolm Adams from Lloyds TSB, asking for his date of birth. So I told them he didn't live here and that they may have meant me (Tom Malcolm John Adams). But they said my credit card application required it. But I already have my credit card. And I hold two accounts with them so they should already have my DOB. Morons.

Looks like Firefox is getting more popular.

I had a driving lesson today. I did a turn in the road. It went okayish. His temporary car (one of his other students did a little damage to it the other week) is a petrol rather than his usual diesel. It stalls more easily, apparently, but I didn't manage it today and it just keeps going when you take your foot off the gas. On the diesel it stops if you take your foot off the gas. It was interesting.

Debian Sarge was due to become stable today. I must check back later on. I need to order it from UseLinux.co.uk as soon as they have the i386 DVDs of it written. Hopefully I'll get a fresh install of the latest stable version of my OS before freshers week starts. Mmm, new installer, Linux 2.6, two DVDs worth of stable software (I think there was a 2-DVD version of Sarge/testing available on UseLinux).

I was also thinking about a Tux hoodie from ThinkGeek. My current Smashing Pumpkins one is getting a little old. I have no idea how long its previous owner had it for (it was stolen... but not by me - it's okay because it's a rare hoodie ;).

I started reading The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov recently. I'm only on the third or fouth chapter but it's quite interesting. It seems to be one of his robot stories.

I was doing some Tkinter stuff in Python today. Fun... but kind of complicated. I'd have thought Python would have had more than one toolkit available in its global modules. But I guess not. Maybe I should learn Tcl/Tk first and do some stuff in the WISH. Or maybe not. I was doing it in the non-OO way (function-orientated? I'll look it up), but I noticed an interesting OO way to do it in the Tkinter section of the Python Documentation - extend the Tkinter.Frame class and do funky things like that...

I noticed Wikipedia seemed to either be down or simply slow today. Strange. Maybe they're more in need of the £15/£20 that I owe Comic Relief (yes, I'll take my money away from the starving kids in Africa and put it towards the Wikimedia Foundation). I'm sure it'll be easier sending an international postal money thing (I have no idea...) than giving money to the secretive (except in March) Comic Relief people. It's working now.


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