

My blogging's kind of messed-up at the moment. I keep forgetting to `lsync' (a small BASH script to synchronise my keydrive with a set of symlinks to actual files) and as a result I'm constantly blogging half a post. So whatever. Nobody reads it anyway.

How annoying. I spoke to Buncey on Trillian (which looks like MSN and sucks) for a minute then I changed computer because the one I was on didn't have working USB ports. I moved to another room. Then another. Then I was told it was closing. And I'd read the Computer Centre was open 24 hours a day during the week.

I just finished the first chapter of Foundation's Edge. Very interesting. I have also had an idea as to the point of failure regarding my Internet connection. I have no dial-tone... but this may be due to the wire. This is a wire I had lying around at home (untested, I believe). I left the wire I was using before. The one I used before definately worked. This one may not have ever worked. I'm going home tomorrow for tea and Six Feet Under. Then I'm going to the pub, then I can come home and test it.

But for now, I shall retire to bed (and possibly read another chapter). Ta ta, avid blog-readers.

I found the guy who I spoke to at the open day, I asked him where the dual-booting rooms where, he showed me, I spent two hours, mostly on Red Hat. I installed Firefox 1.0PR. I discovered there was only GNOME, KDE or TWM available. Pfft. At least I get to try out GNOME, like I wanted to.

I just came home to get some lunch. Now I shall go to the sports and societies fair, then back to the dual-booting rooms. I got an email saying my webspace was ready. So I made a simple page with a link to my blog and to SSQ.


It's only 500KB but it'll still be nice to have a place with my name on it. Even if it isn't a TLD... and it doesn't appear to have any server-side capabilities.

Then after going back to the Informatics computers, I shall go home and see Davina. To be fed, to watch Six Feet Under, to go to the pub.


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