

When I got on the Internet in the Computer Centre I discovered I hadn't updated my flashdrive with the most recent copy of the blog post I had. So here's what I missed this morning:


Turns out my keydrive didn't `just work' with her MS Windows 95 machine. Ah well. I'm going to see if I can register for my login tomorrow. The library machines should be up-to-date enough to `just work' with the flashstick.

Tomorrow: Fresher's Fair and Driving. I also plan on getting my login, as I mentioned. And I'm going to check out the buildings. I'll work out which building(s) the School of Informatics' computers reside in. Oh yeah, I got a piece of paper from the Student Loans Company today when I went to see Davina. It seems to be the exact one I need to give to the enrolment people. I'll do that tomorrow, most likely. I also have to sort out my insurance (if you plan on burglary, please wait until I'm insured).

I should probably find a leaflet about using the Student phone thing too.

2004-09-22 (technically)

I had a strange dream last night. I met Jonathon Widdop... for like the first time in ages. And he had shoulder-length bleached hair (I mean like all bleached, not like my bleached). And I'm not sure about the rest of the dream. It was weird. I wonder what he's up to. I think he went to Bradford College last year... No idea what he's up to now. He could be going to uni... Maybe I'll meet him one day.

I was thinking today. It's kind of crap that I seem to be sharing a block with only men... and I have no male friends IRL, which leads me to believe that there's something that makes me more likely to make friends with women and this makes me less likely to make friends with anybody in my block. But then I realised that I had no friends on my street back at Davina's. My closest (proximity) friend was Sammy, and she was a few streets away. So it'll be nothing new to not live near any of my friends. It's just now that all my friends in Thornton are slightly further away (especially Owen, who was reportedly in Manchester last night... singing karaoke).

Ah yes! I had a quest to find a UoB student's blog (especially CS students). So while I was at Davina's, I made a quick Google search and found a page in Google's directory, there was one link to a blog of somebody from the UoB studying CS. I was impressed. I haven't spent great detail reading his blog but it was up-to-date. I'll read it when I can. The list of Personal Bloggers was split into 0, 1, 2, 3, A, B, C, etc.. I'll find the directory and search it for the university to find any more.

Night night, avid readers.

2004-09-22 (undisputedly)

I had some breakfast downstairs. Then I went to the library. Turns out my username is tadams2. How demeaning. I browsed for a while, posted the copy of my blog post on my usbstick and explored the system. I didn't find the `M:' drive on the computer so I didn't have a `My Documents' directory at all. I also telnetted into the Sun machine. It's kind of crappy. No GNU tools at all. I was going to register for some WWW space on www.students.brad.ac.uk but nobody was in the office. I'll go back at 2:15. I noticed you were only allowed to use IM (of which Trillian was the only available client) between 20:00 and 08:00. I never knew the library was open so late/early. I got a sheet telling me where the computer rooms were (they call them clusters, but I'm not sure they are). So I'll see if I can get access to the dual-booting PCs and then I can copy all my dotfiles. I can try out GNOME too. And while I'm exploring I'll find the enrolment people and give them my info from Student Loans Company. But not if I have to que for two hours to do it.

I have to go food shopping today. And also go to the Freshers' Fair.

Oh yeah, and I just had lunch downstairs and chatted to Leo who was cooking pasta. He's from Hong Kong and he lives in the room next to me.

Toodle-oo, avid readers (or listeners... or touchers, depending on your user agent).

So I signed-up for my 500KB webspace (yes, it's very small isn't it, but ah well). And I went shopping and got some stuff. And then I ate 158p worth of grapes. Then I went driving. Now I'm going to cook some pasta with a sauce. Then I shall go the Computer Centre in the library and use the Internet for 12 hours (by then it should be 8pm and I can use Trillian without fear of being told off).

Well I'm on a dual-booting PC now. I can't mount my keydrive from Red Hat/GNOME so I'm on Windows. They have Emacs on Windows on here.

Now I'm off to the Sports and Societies fair... but first I may have lunch.


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