

Look out for Windows Media files with malware if you're stupid enough to use Windows Media Player.

Knowing Knoppix. Released under the GFDL, an FSF license but not DFSG-free.

I downloaded a LiveCD and an installation disc for ReactOS today. It's free software, of course. It's designed to be compatible with Windows NT at the kernel level so that means one can (or will be able to) run Windows NT (maybe even XP, which is based on NT) applications without compiling them specifically for ReactOS.

Stop at around 2005-01-01 14:00, restart at around 2004-01-02 1:00.

00:55 why are you not great :(
00:57 I don't know. It probably all started with the cold shower. Then due
to the coldness of the shower I rushed and thus I didn't properly
wash my hair and therefore it was harder to comb and my day got
worse from there. Add to that any terribly-designed website I
attempted to navigate today.

On top of that I physically feel terrible today. My nose is sort of blocked up and my throat is painful and my septum is aching (I stretched it Wednesday after Rios) and if that wasn't enough, specific places in my general chest and abdomen area are aching slightly and I feel weak and tired all the time, I presume that's due to my poor diet and possibly general lack of food considering I've been having about two meals a day for a week or so now. And don't forget the rash I still have from Will's tested-on-animals washing powder and the prickly heat I've been getting for a while.

I often cook food I think is reasonably healthy. But I guess it can't be. I can cook nice-tasting food but I just don't seem to know how to eat healthily.

Anybody know any well-written blogs on good eating?

Any comments mentioning veganity negatively will be shot.

I'm going to read or something. I think I'll read Dooce. Goodnight, avid reader.

Changed my mind. I'm going to tell you about Rios instead.

I started 2005-01-01 like I start a lot of psudo-important days. At Rios.

I and Jen went to Rios at about 2004-12-31 22:00. Summer got there at about 22:40 along with Carney, Seb and Leamia.

The music in the goth room wasn't too bad considering the Wednesday DJ was there instead of the usual Simon.

Summer introduced me to Seb at one point. Which was good because I hadn't been properly introduced. He seems quite nice. He lives somewhere near Summer, I believe.

I ended up getting distracted by Dooce.

Now I'm going to leave this post here and read more Dooce or Don't Make Me Think. Of France!!!!


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