
Big questionnaire!

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?

Hmm. I had a girlfriend, I wrote a CMS, I installed NetBSD, OpenBSD, Debian, and Knoppix.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I didn't make any.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?


4. Did anyone close to you die?


5. What countries did you visit?

Ireland and Northern Ireland.

6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?

7. What date(s) from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

When I had a girlfriend, probably. It was odd. Odd as in I'd never experienced it before. And that day I night I had another torsion (twisted cables in scrotum) but it turned out to be just a kidney stone. I can't think of anything else that stood out.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Hmm. I'd say getting into university, but it wasn't at all. I got 100 UCAS points less than I needed and they let me in on the last open day.

I also stopped taking my inhaler. I haven't used it for a month or just under now. Hardly an achievement. I just stopped taking it. But it's a good thing.

9. What was your biggest failure?

I can't think of any.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

As I said. I had a kidney stone.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

My PVC coat.

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?

Let's see. I'm stuck for ideas. So Poland. They stopped software patents, at least for now.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

The European Union who pretty much went ahead with software patents without asking anybody.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Accomodation and food.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

I got excited about broadband. But not really, really, really excited.

I'm quite excited about Summer's party on Friday.

16. What song will always remind you of 2004?

I doubt any will. The majority of the music I listen to tends to be music I find (i.e. I'm leant a CD, I download it, etc.) and generally isn't year-specific. I couldn't tell you what year any of my music is from.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

Happier or sadder?

Happier. Around about now last year I was probably working my arse off on psychology coursework.

Thinner or fatter?

I'd hope fatter. But I wouldn't know.

Richer or poorer?

Richer. Definetely in the sense of non-material wealth but probably in the monetary department too.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?


19. What do you wish you'd done less of?


20. How will you be spending Christmas?

I spent 2004-12-25 alone and probably hacking, I don't recall.

21. Who deleted question 21?

Will did. He always spoils things.

22. Did you fall in love in 2004?


23. How many one-night stands?


Did you count?


24. What was your favorite TV program?

Flint the Time Detective. Or Neon Genesis Evangellion. No idea, really. I don't watch TV any more.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didnt hate this time last year?

I don't believe so.

26. What was the best book you read?

Eats, Shoots & Leaves was the best non-fiction. The Foundation series was the best non-fiction.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

I'd have to say Cradle of Filth.

28. What did you want and get?

I got myself a USB stick, PVC trousers, PVC coat.

29. What did you want and not get?

Not much, really.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

There were so many. I can't think of the best but My Summer of Love was rather good.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

Wednesday evening I went out to Rios and I became 18 at midnight. On my actual birthday I saw Damien Rice and Tresspassers William with Cat and Laura at the Sheffield Octagon. Then on the Saturday I had a party organised by Davina and Cat at South Square. There was no drinking on my part whatsoever, by the way.

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

I couldn't say. Maybe if I'd spent more time hacking and less time drudging through A-Level work.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?

For general activities my fashion has not changed greatly, it's just comfortable clothes or whatever clothes I happen to have. Except my coat. I now have a very sexy PVC coat.

But for going out it changed. I used to go with the previous concept but now I tend to wear sexy PVC trousers and some kind of random black top I expect my going out collection of clothes to increase in size next year.

34. What kept you sane?

My ability to lock the requirement of A-Level--related drudgery out of my mind for great periods of time. In which time I would generally hack at whatever project I was working on at the time.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

I couldn't say. I haven't ever paid much attention to celebrities and the public figures I pay attention to have more brains than sex appeal.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

Possibly software patents.

37. Who did you miss?

I miss Jane right now. I haven't seen her since the end-of-school party at her house. I'll have to visit her one day at school. I also miss the kids (my mum's a childminder) whom I haven't seen on a regular basis since I moved out. Right now I miss Niall and Will, and to a lesser extent, my other friends on the course who are all home for the holidays it seems.

38. Who was the best new person you met?

I'd have to say Niall and Will. Yes, I chose two people.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004.

Always leave washing up an item until just before you need it. That has saved me so much effort.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

We're leaving together, but still it's farewell.

I don't know, maybe it has a little significance. It's a good song though.


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