

This is for all those morons who say `alt tag'.

Is HTML a programming language?

NOT the comp.text.sgml FAQ.

That's how to comment CSS.

I just got a nice book out the library. I was searching for something to do with PHP and MySQL and what did I find? Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug. It's about web usability. I'm loving it already.

Before that I was testing South Square Centre's site in Horton D1.01 on IE (6). I couldn't test it in Opera because my login is still somehow fucked (just on the UNIX machines, though). I always get disk quota errors on both linux1 and on the workstations. That's probably the cause of X not working too. And yes, I have tried deleting things. That wasn't too bad. It just meant I had to get the CSS working in IE and then go home and make sure it still works in Firefox. I'm sure it will work in Opera. I don't give a jot about how the site looks in any IE before 6 because as long as my sort-of-boss thinks the site looks okay, it's fine. Anybody with IE should upgrade anyway.

And by the way, the new style is uploaded as default now.

I have a table roughly designed for the CMS for my new blog. It shall have markdown-esque powers and the stylesheet will not be tested in any any browser that doesn't care for standards. Not by me at least. If people tell me the style is entirely unusable in IE I will import the style such that IE can't see it. Now all that planning is out the way, I can get down to writing the code. It will be in Python, of course, like all my major projects have been for some time now. I may write a small amount of it in Perl because Python's re module doesn't appear to have a substitute method.


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