
Dumb cashiers and dumb terminals

[...] I need your authorisation (by return e-mail) to take the following payments from your debit/credit card [...]

What the fuck? Since when was email secure? I am going to have a word with them tomorrow (and give them authorisation to take all my money). That's crazy! They can't really think email is secure, can they?

I was wondering the other week—is the Wikipedia the biggest encyclopaedia? Wikipedia is the largest encyclopaedia.

In other news, I may have solved the .cshrc problem.

if ($?prompt == 1) exec bash; # Does the prompt variable exist? If it does, this is an interactive prompt and not a shell script - run my favourite shell
if ($TERM == "dumb") exec ~/bin/wm; # Does the terminal identify it as dumb? If it does, it's probably GDM about to run GNOME - stop and execute my own window manager

I edited that just now. Hopefully it will work. But it may not.

It would seem that Internet Explorer fairs the best when it comes to mangled HTML.

This must be terrible news for any Firefox fan. As everybody knows, Firefox 1.0 will be released on the 9th of November. I wish all Firefox hackers the very best of luck in locating and fixing this bug and any other outstanding bugs before the 1.0 deadline.


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