
XML, PVC, and related TLAs

I have been shooping in Leeds with Summer. I now have sexy PVC trousers.

Summer has a sexy new skirt too.

I also just updated South Square Centre's website. I decided to represent quotes in the source XML files like in LaTeX---em and en dashes are also like in LaTeX. I think the ellipsis is too. If you're interested, I'll show you the source and the simple Perl hack that is steadily increasing in size. For example, an em dash is represented as `---' (three hyphen-minus signs in a row) in my source---this is then replaced with `&#8212;' (displayed as: —) by my little preprocessor hack known only as xmagic. I'll have to get a better solution one day---like a Python application that actually reads the XML rather than looking for `<body>', etc..

I changed the format of my `Thinking About Learning' coursework for KSCP. It was it DocBook, it is now in LaTeX. DocBook's good---I couldn't get some things to work in it (i.e. MathML). Also, it seems more designed for large projects---I've used LaTeX for writing one-paragraph letters. DocBook won't convert to PS (at least in my current set-up).


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